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Dream Academy Symposium

Finally, I get to go to Tromsø! This weekend I will contribute to the Dream Academy autumn symposium with a workshop in two parts:

Welcome to the Dream Academy’s autumn symposium. The program runs over three days and consists of practical and social workshops, alongside presentations and conversations. In the Body & Kitchen workshop with Geir Tore Holm, we cook and eat and reflect on the cultural, economic and social dimensions of food. There will also be guest appearances with lectures on potatoes and seaweed by Åsa Sonjasdotter and Gatari Surya Kusuma, as well as a surprise or two. In the workshop Dreaming a future without guarantees with Lisa Nyberg, we explore how we can listen to our nightmares and create art that touches a future we dare not dream about, and Dear Teacher / Dear Colleague with Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld decenters the idea of the artist as “autonomous” liberal subject – and explore ways of working together through materials we engage. You can bring your own materials or find materials during the workshop.

More infor here.