“This week we will concentrate on the agencies present in the classroom; teacher agency, student agency, and the structures and identities that shape them. How do we navigate our complicites and desires? How do we count for all the agencies in the classroom, and the potential obstructions, suppression and conflicts that happens when we encounter each other? These are questions I would like to investigate with you.
We will use our different experiences of learning, studying and teaching as a starting point, exposing them to theories on what it is “to study” vs ideas on pedagogy in general, and a radical pedagogy in particular.
During the week we will do text seminars, physical exercises, writing sessions, experiments, games and more. Any bigger assignments are developed together as a group.
On the reding list are texts by Paulo Freire, Stephano Harney & Fred Moten, bell hooks, Sara Ahmed and more“
Agency in the Classroom was a one week course for the master program in Critical and Pedagogical studies at Malmö Art Academy, september 2016.
(We went out of the school and shared a morning swim, before the “call to order”. Studing with CPS in Västra hamnen, Malmö.)